Vision on sick-leave: burn-out, bore-out or depression?

Burnout occurs when someone has tasks and responsibilities for a longer period of time (at least six months) that do not match their personality. They are physically and above all emotionally exhausted and experience a great distance from work. In this state they can hardly progress. People who do not agree with the work they do, but who continue to do so will sooner or later run into. This also applies to people who cannot accept that they have more responsibilities than they can handle. A lot of work in private life can therefore also cause a burnout.

Unfortunately, recovery from burnout takes longer. Employees with burnout not only have to recover from the emotional exhaustion they experience, they also have to regain enthusiasm for their work.

Are you meanwhile doing your work as a routine? Are you no longer challenged? You may be suffering from a bore-out. Getting sick from boredom sounds strange, but it is really possible. You can catch it because you have too little to do, work below your level, or find your job so pointless that you feel disgusted. This causes stress, frustration and eventually exhaustion; both mentally and physically.

At the same time, the situation affects your self-confidence to such an extent that you no longer believe that you can change the situation. This makes you increasingly passive. This can lead to a vicious circle, from which it is difficult to escape.

However, depression is the most common ailment among absent workers. As many as 22% of employees who are sick at home due to psychological problems have a depression.

Depression negatively affects many aspects of life. This applies to both private and working life; in the Netherlands, half of employees with a depression are still at work, but the following year they have many more days on sick-leave.

According to company doctors, the three main work factors that play a role in the development of depression are:

  • Work pressure (27%)
  • Future uncertainty (19%)
  • Lack of support or bullying/conflict (26%)

Burnout, boreout and depression lead to more mistakes, loss of productivity, more job insecurity and a reduced career perspective. Employees with such complaints usually have to make an extra effort to do their job, have more difficulty concentrating and are more tired.

All kinds of reasons to act quickly, effectively and decisively. My experience as a therapist, supervisor, coordinator and work guidance counsellor allows me to directly specify, channel and treat the problems. For more information, please feel free to contact me.

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